5 Must-See TED Talks for Recruiters
I don’t know about you, but I’m always searching for new ways to enhance my industry knowledge and skills. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in recruiting. Valuable insights can be gathered from multiple avenues including movies, music, articles, blogs, books and videos.
If you’re a recruiter, here’s a look at my top five must-see TED Talks.
Nigel Marsh discusses how to make work-life balance work for you Recruiters are at-risk for burnout, so it’s extremely important to ensure you look at your work-life balance currently. In this TED Talk, Nigel Marsh talks about what he feels is the ideal balance between family time, personal time and being productive.
Shawn Achor shares the happy secret to better work This TED Talk makes you think hard. People always believe they have to work extremely hard in order to achieve happiness, but Shawn Anchor challenges you to think about it from the other way around. He shares that happiness leads to productivity, and we can all be unicorns.
Adam Galinsky shows us how to speak up for ourselves In recruiting, we are often faced with difficult situations. From giving potentially negative feedback to a candidate to setting realistic expectations for a hiring manager, it’s important to be able to be assertive, speak up for yourself, and do it all in the right way.
Angela Lee Duckworth discusses grit as an indicator of success Angela left her consulting job to become a teacher, and she quickly realized that even if a student has a high IQ, it doesn’t mean they will be successful. Sometimes the students who had a high level of grit, determination and passion were often more successful. This same principle applies to the recruiting process, and the traits we look for in potential candidates as an indicator of success.
Jeff Bezos talks about character and the choices we make in our lives Although this isn’t a traditional TED Talk, Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder and CEO, addresses the graduating class at Princeton University on character development in life. He argues that character comes from the choices we make, and not what we are given at birth.
Do you have any inspirational TED Talks to add to this list?
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