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Phenom for 



Build the workforce you need by understanding where you can upskill and reskill, and where you should acquire.Book a Demo

A global phenomenon


Of Employees Leave Due to Lack of Advancement


Higher Profitability for Businesses with Engaged Workforce


Of Companies Think Employees Can Find Jobs Easier Externally


Of Organizations Have A Skills Database

Empower your employees, fill critical skills gaps, and plan for the future.

Empower your employees to effectively choose their next role. Understand the skills and interests of everyone in your company. Deep dive into critical gaps at the individual and enterprise level. Set your high-potential workforce up for success.
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Phenom Talent Management - Know your People better
See the roles, skills, and progressions for your organization and deep dive into gaps that must be filled at the individual and enterprise level. Power your build/borrow/buy strategy and create a solid foundation for strategic workforce planning.
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Develop employee journeys that are tied to chosen career paths to increase engagement and give your employees relevant options to upskill or reskill.
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Phenom Talent Management - Personalize Development Plans
Empower the managers in your organization with relevant information about their teams' skills and aspirations so they can successfully promote career growth and effectively identify the best successors from anywhere in the organization.
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Phenom Talent Management - Give Managers 360 Visibility

Built for Talent Management

  • Talent Marketplace

    Connect employees with opportunities for learning, development, connectivity, and more in a central location.

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  • Career Pathing

    Empower your employees to envision their future career and the steps required to get there.

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  • Employee Relationship Management

    Identify organizational skills gaps and create development journeys for your employees to fill those gaps.

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  • Succession Planning

    Identify high-potential employees and map them as successors to critical roles.

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  • People Manager

    Equip managers with a dashboard designed to help elevate engagement, skills development, retention, and performance.

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  • Mentoring

    Connect employees with best-fit internal mentors that will help them grow and progress in their career paths.

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  • Internal Gigs

    Provide opportunities for learning and upskilling through short-term internal projects.

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  • Employee Resource Groups

    Promote community, diversity, and engagement through internal networks for employees to join.

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Discover How Talent Management Experiences Phenom

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