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Talent Leader


Empower recruitment managers with intelligent tools that build pipeline, boost team performance, and provide comprehensive insights into organizational, individual, and team-wide performance.Book a demo

Performance, productivity, and impact


Optimize team performance

LLS Case Study Hero

We’re elevating the work our team does. We’re more effectively conducting business, seeing a higher volume of qualified candidates, and driving down the time a role remains open.”

Sharon GiotisVP Talent Acquisition and Internal Mobility, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Find out how LLS sources and engages passive job candidates without adding unnecessary complexity to recruiter workflows.Learn more

Boost hiring team productivity

With Phenom’s tools, we were able to hire for over 200 jobs with one person, versus 30 to 40 jobs previously.”

Chris CareyHRIS Director, SEI
SEI is using Phenom to reduce agency spend, increase internal applicants, fill high-volume roles faster, and boost recruiter productivity. Learn more

Drive meaningful impact with intelligent insights

Yellow DHL truck with honey Phenom thread and black DHL group logo.

Phenom changed the landscape on how we do things, and has improved the collaboration within the team. We’re thinking globally but acting locally, and that’s very important for a company like ours."

Gail PantigVP of TA and Employer Branding, DHL Group
DHL leveraged Phenom to expeditiously establish and promote a cohesive global employer brand with impactful localized content to ultimately fill rolls faster and retain employees longer.Learn more

What's included

Enhance your team’s performance with data-driven insights, coaching, and AI-generated strategies, optimizing productivity and identifying growth opportunities.
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Phenom Talent CRM Dashboard
Take action to enhance recruitment processes and achieve hiring goals for frontline, professional, and leadership positions.
Initiative - Phenom CRM Dashboard
With Generative AI, get suggested strategies and take corresponding action with the data at your disposal.
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Examples of job seeker behavior analytics and forecasting powered by Phenom AI and deep learning

More to explore

Discover the power of Talent Leader Experience

Get a personalized demo to see how you can optimize your recruitment strategies and processes and achieve more effective hiring outcomes.

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