AXA’s Unified Approach To Hire, Grow, and Retain Talent
With a presence in 50 countries, AXA wanted to create a unified talent experience that matched company goals and values, while staying aligned with the nature of their multi-language, decentralized business model.
The challenge? In addition to modernizing their HR tech stack, they needed to adhere to industry-specific compliance and security standards, and fill a large percentage of their vacancies with internal employees.
Recognizing a market leader that could navigate the company’s unique complexities, AXA chose Phenom and its Intelligent Talent Experience platform to realize their goals:
Increase internal mobility with Phenom Talent Marketplace
Provide a better candidate experience with Phenom Career Site
Optimize recruiter efficiency with Phenom CRM and campaign activities
Learn more in the full case study
What They’re Achieving
According to Fanny Deconinck, AXA’s Global Head of Talent Attraction and Employer Branding, their collaboration with Phenom is empowering the AXA teams to modernize the experience today — and scale to meet tomorrow’s talent acquisition and management goals.
Deconinck cited noticeable areas of improvement since launching Phenom, including:
Increased career site and talent marketplace traffic
More CRM leads from internal and external talent
A modernized experience that candidates and employees love
Robust analytics and insights
“It’s amazing what we’ve been able to do,” Deconinck said. “Our previous career site had 30 visits per month. After one campaign, we’ve had 137 visits in five days. It’s like night and day.”
In addition, major strides are being made in terms of talent mobility and engagement. “Employees feel like we’re truly investing in them — which we are,” she said.
By improving the experience and reducing the time to apply in half for both external and internal candidates, AXA has seen 13X more apply clicks and received 11X more external and internal applications.
![“Not only have we modernized our tech stack for recruitment — Phenom has given us the opportunity to conduct cultural transformation and improve the way we manage internal sourcing, mobility, and talent management processes.”
- Fanny Deconinck
13X more apply clicks
11X more internal and external applications
[clock] cut time to apply in half
Before After
530 apply clicks 7,000 apply clicks
1,800 external applications 19,600 external applications
400 internal applications 4,350 internal applications
8 min apply for externals 4 min apply for externals
6 min apply for internals 3 min apply for internals](https:////images.ctfassets.net/0d3i1kfsuaq3/4To36xHl9kfRk64k0ARa3K/94bdc5bd3a34ab9f14e0535dd7ab6f70/Screen_Shot_2023-03-14_at_6.33.49_PM.png)
Interested in learning more? Check out the full case study
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