Bi-Weekly Roundup: 4/6 - 4/20
Did you hear the buzz about companies progressing to decrease the gender pay gap? What about proving the value of annual performance reviews on an employee's good standing? Check out these and three other headlines in this series of the Bi-Weekly Roundup! Has #MeToo affected the fight for equal pay? On April 10, 2018, otherwise known as equal pay day, women still earned $0.80 on the dollar compared to their male counterparts. Though this isn’t surprising, considering the gap hasn’t changed much in previous years, change is nonetheless beginning to happen. Various cities across the country have created laws which ban companies from asking a candidate their salary history, while some companies, like Starbucks, have even announced that they have reached pay equality. The #MeToo movement has played a huge part as well, ridding management that have abused their power to sexually harass women, thus freeing up the positions for women. Read more about the #MeToo movement has affected the equal pay, and responses from 10 powerful women on the subject here. We hosted a compensation plan webinar that you can download the recording to that explored more into this topic and how comp packages impact talent acquisition. Here are 4 ways to shake up the employee experience. In many companies, HR’s role still lies in another era. HR professionals are tasked with focusing solely on requirements, benefits, compliance, and certifications, even those whose companies are far along in their digital transformation. Their talent strategy remains a game of numbers, but this doesn’t work anymore. HR needs to take on additional responsibilities to make sure their brand remains relevant and shaking up the employee experience is the first step. From reshaping the culture to merging HR and marketing, there are many ways companies can move forward from traditional HR functions and attract, engage, and retain top talent. Check out these 4 ways to get started. What’s causing millennials to job hop? While challenging projects, praise, a focus on well-being, and development opportunities often help employees connect with their organization and support its overall mission, many companies are severely lacking in executing these practices and keeping their employees engaged. Often employees are left feeling bored or underutilized and employees who aren't actively engaged are costly. According to research, nearly a quarter of millennials have worked for five different employers. Why is this number so high? You can find out why millenials are job hopping by clicking here. Annual performance reviews are a thing of the past. Feedback is important for employees. People want to hear some kind of praise, or if they should be taking a different approach to improve. Annual performance reviews prevent employees from correcting their actions and if your company is still using them then they’re way behind the curve. Many employers are shifting to more frequent informal performance reviews and formal reviews on a quarterly basis. So what impact does this switch have? So far the results are generally positive because employers are better equipped to address issues as they arise and employees are able to constantly improve. Could the numbers prove the value of consistent feedback? LinkedIn has compiled data on the value of providing feedback and here’s what they found. NYC has made headlines while continuing to battle sexual harassment. The city’s council has passed an ordinance, and beginning April 2019, employers will be required to provide their employees with sexual harassment training under the Stop Sexual Harassment Act. The ordinance mirrors that of California’s AB-1825 and while this is great news, many employers have already begun taking actions to curb sexual harassment in the workplace. Though many companies are implementing training, it’s important to keep in mind that harassment can occur at all levels of an organization. The Stop Sexual Harassment Act will require employers with more than 15 employees to train staff, managers, and supervisors every year. It also goes into detail about what the training must entail and mandates workplace notices and information sheets. Overall, NYC is taking a step in the right direction. You can read more about the ordinance here. Don't forget to download the Comp Plans: How They Impact Your Employer Brand webinar recording to learn more on how talent acquisition walks the fine line between attracting quality talent and structuring a sound comp package. And if you missed the last Bi-Weekly, you can read it here!
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