IAMPHENOM 2020: Day 1 Recap
Day 1 of IAMPHENOM 2020 is a wrap—and we are so grateful to all of our phenomenal attendees who joined us in Philadelphia for an awesome day packed with learning, networking, and fun. The day kicked off with a truly #notnormal welcome that included a decadent donut wall (!) and phenomenal celebration as attendees entered our main ballroom. The day continued with incredible sessions, from the future of talent experience to mindfulness to practical strategies and tips to transform the talent journey. IAMPHENOM attendees also experienced a few firsts: the official Phenom Talent Experience Awards, an indoor Philly-style Beer Garden, and a live concert at Reading Terminal Market. It was truly an unforgettable day—and we can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings. Check out the recap video and session highlights below! Mahe Bayireddi, CEO & co-founder at Phenom HR has a responsibility to connect the right people to the right job. “In the next 10 years, the 4th industrial revolution will transform more than 1 billion jobs. We in the HR community can help. How can we ensure people have pathways to social mobility? The one important thing is about giving them the right skills, education, and jobs.” Data is critical to the mission. “In Phenom Talent Experience Management, we use data for candidate personalization, as well as employee evolution and advocacy.” “You need a global people platform for candidates, recruiters, employees, and management.” The best experiences are designed with empathy. “In HR, we use empathy design. Empathy design is about people with disabilities. It’s about diversity. And it’s about people who are challenged with technology. When we are building experiences for candidates, employees, and recruiters, are we thinking about these people?” Beth Clutterbuck, CHRO at Relativity Employee experiences will determine if your company gets the very best talent. “Great talent can work anywhere in the world. And HR has never been more important to the success of an organization because they curate the employee experience.” “The way of work is changing. Organizations can disrupt an industry or create a new one because they have access to technology and innovation. The speed at which information can be processed and analyzed is only increasing.” Talent is not static. “They do not just stay at our organizations. At some point, talent will leave you. And that’s okay. It’s our job to ensure talent is getting the best experience, and sometimes that’s outside of our company. They should have such a career changing experience, that they’re brand ambassadors and will enrich the company they left." Mark Divine, Retired Navy SEAL Commander & NYT Bestselling Author “In order to take risks, you have to get uncomfortable. You can’t stay in your comfort zone. The comfort zone is where fear grows. It’s normal to have fear. It’s normal to be pessimistic—face your fears.” Take on risk with your team. “Learn how to approach risk in a very methodical manner. Teams that do this together drop all of that fear and start connecting from the heart. This is where courage lives. You feed courage by staring down fear.” Josh Bersin, HR Technology Expert, Bersin Academy Productivity is going to be the key to business growth. “Recruiting isn’t going to solve your problem because there aren’t going to be enough people. You’re going to have to find people within your company, reskill them, and find new ways for them to be more productive.” “What does the career experience look and feel like in your company? One of the interesting trends in HR tech—which Phenom is ahead of the curve on—is creating a talent marketplace inside the company. If you know what skills your employees have—that is a gold mine of opportunity for you and your company.” Make it easy for employees to learn. “The #1 reason why people say they don’t learn: Time. We have to create an environment where they can learn in the flow of work.” Dan Eggiman, Product Manager at Phenom | Brian Stepan, Product Manager at Phenom | Kyle Hauber, Product Manager at Phenom Individualized personalized is the future. “When personalization first came out, segmentation was the focus. It’s still very relevant, but what we’re moving toward is 1-1 personalization. 1-1 personalization lets AI determine what will be shown. It’s not just segmenting audiences, it’s segmenting users.” Nyoka Toler, Engagement Manager at Phenom A great employee experience attracts great candidates. “Internal Mobility is a centralized location to direct employees to, ensuring that there is an equal onboarding experience for everyone from your truck drivers to your VPs.” Sarah Introvatolo, Senior Manager of Customer Service at Phenom | Nate Loggins, Customer Success Manager Learn. Practice. Repeat. “Whenever you’re going to adopt something, you need to know how to use it, and the ins and outs. For product training, don’t think of it as one-and-done.” Andrew Ward, Product Manager at Phenom | Brittany Bentz, Customer Success Manager at Phenom “Using standardized lead generation forms onsite ensures students have a consistent candidate experience across every event, in every location.” Ilya Golden, PhD, Principal Data Scientist at Phenom | Kumar Ananth, Director of Product Management at Phenom AI improves the talent experience. “Personalization applies to candidate & employee experiences by delivering the right jobs. Search applies to both experiences as well, and helps them find what they’re looking for. Insights help recruiters find the best fit candidates for specific jobs.” Susan Wilson, Sourcing Manager at Alight Solutions "Over the last 2 years, we’ve had over 89,000 leads captured in the CRM. We’re able to send marketing campaigns, like email and texting. We reach out to people who have expressed interest in Alight or specific job opportunities. As we nurture candidates, hopefully we convert them into an applicant or it’s a great networking opportunity." Chatbots are changing the game. "Our chatbot sits on our career site & guides candidates to the right job recommendations. Since launching it last April, the chatbot accounted for 17% of completed applications. 72% of candidates that viewed a job through the bot clicked apply, compared to 15% on the career site as a whole. Candidates have asked our chatbot over 2,300 questions. That’s a lot of engagement." Joyce Bender, Host of Disability Matters and founder and CEO of Bender Consulting Services, Inc. “When you hire a person with a disability, you get someone who is grateful. You get someone who already thinks outside the box.” Ben Eubanks, Sarah Smart, Amit Parmar, Ajay Patel, Adam Forbes AI is evolving the way recruiters work day-to-day. "AI fundamentally changes what you’re going to do next. What competencies you’re going to hire next for the team, what decisions you’re going to make." Kevin Grossman, Shelia Gray, Greg Muccio, David Crawford, Heidi Chapeau "Candidate experience is about walking in the shoes of the candidate and how you can bring value to their process. It's about being compassionately curious about how we want to interact with those candidates."
Phenom Opening Keynote
“You have a team of people hiring for one company. And there are 4 key experiences in HR that determine the success of a company: candidates, recruiters, employees, management.”
“Your life purpose comes from your compassion for others. So does a company’s purpose. A country’s purpose. And a community’s purpose. And we believe we should help these people find the right job.”
CHRO Keynote
Technology empowers HR to keep up.
“Companies that are cloud-native can build scaffolding if they’re smart. We know data rules, and we can plan for systems and tools that are data rich. These companies will get great talent because they’re faster and have that experience.”
The Way of the Seal: Think Like an Elite Warrior
To feed courage, we must starve fear and take risks.
“Step into your courage. Learn how to risk more. Get realistic about training what matters: your emotions, your intuition. Control the mind’s negative energy. Embrace positive internal dialogue. Use imagery to practice your mission. Take a stand.”
“Respect comes from getting out of the way of your team, so your team can perform what it needs to do.”
Reinventing HR for 2020: A Changing World Ahead
“We’re in a continuous state of transformation. We have to get comfortable with that. Curiosity, creativity, and a growth mindset have to be core to HR because that’s the way business is today.”
The employee experience is the future of work.
“Employee experience is about the work, and making it useful and enjoyable without getting in the way.”
“Unfortunately, the HR tech market is out of control. So what are we gonna do about it? We’re not building HR tech for HR anymore. They have to be systems employees want to use. And I give Phenom credit for coming up with this early on.”
CX: Personalization & How it Translates to Candidate Experience
“1-1 personalization is really great to use around candidates’ interests. A great example is testimonials. Oftentimes we see very generic testimonials that attempt to resonate with everyone. But with 1-1 personalization, if a candidate is applying to a product manager job in Philadelphia, you can show them a targeted testimonial from a product manager in Philadelphia.”
Internal Mobility for Employee Engagement
“Good people attract good people, so if you have good employees Internal Mobility makes it extremely easy for them to refer to their friends which adds hundreds of higher quality candidates and faster job closures.”
CRM Adoption & Best Practices
“Set aside just 15 minutes every day to go into your CRM and spend a little time in the tool. That’s how you become a fantastic user and see results.”
Event/University Recruiting at Scale
Seamless experiences extend to young candidates, too.
“Baker Hughes is planning to use on-site lead generation forms on iPads at their booth. This helps them seamlessly register students and then move right into the engagement phase where they directly speak with attendees to accurately qualify talent.”
How AI Systems Work
“As creators of AI systems, we have to focus on where meaning is. We find connections and meaning by the fact that there are patterns across different contexts, resumes, and job descriptions.”
RX: AI Insights for Hiring
Campaigns allow you to engage and nurture leads.
"80% of visitors typically drop off the career site during the application process. Who are these mystery visitors? AI tech has changed the game. We’re not just looking at applicants, we’re looking at those who have visited the career site and become a lead."
Disability Matters
People with disabilities are your untapped talent pool.
“Companies like this are making a statement about including people with disabilities. That commitment has to come from the top. People are going to come to you and not be ashamed.”
“You have millions of people who are ready to work. If you want to stay relevant, go to this untapped labor pool. If you want your own employees to be engaged, hire people with disabilities.”
“If you don’t have digital accessibility and you don’t have anyone with disabilities working there, people aren’t going to come to you. You have the power. And you’ve got to talk about it.”
Panel: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence
"How is work going to evolve with AI and automation? It’s the ability to free up time within the HR function so we can be more human again."
"Some of the standard tools we’re using include AI. The key thing we’re looking for is business value. Can you find high quality people faster with technology?"
Panel: Evolving the Candidate & Employee Experiences
The candidate and employee experiences go hand-in-hand.
"Skills, strengths, and talents tend to be distributed evenly among folks. Opportunities are not. And access is key to that. Being able to have a tool that allows people to access us 24/7 is great."
"We’re moving to where we can have employees tell our story. It’s really important for people who are going to work at your company that they see people like themselves. That to me is huge to get across."Check out highlights from Training Day and Day 2!
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