John DealJune 18, 2020
Topics: AI

Level Up Your Talent Analytics with Phenom AI

By 2021, artificial intelligence (AI) will be putting 6.2 billion hours back into companies’ hands to distribute more productively. 6.2 billion hours is nothing to sneeze at, which is why you have probably already had several conversations in which AI was mentioned.

Phenom is doing its part to contribute to that 6.2 billion by leveraging the various components of AI throughout our TXM platform. Our goal is not to replace the jobs recruiters and talent marketers are doing, but to augment those jobs to drive better results.

One area of focus is using AI to help streamline data analysis. For analytics to be effective, you need to be able to rapidly turn the descriptive into the predictive. This is where the power of AI truly comes into play. By cranking through mountains of data to make and refine assumptions quickly, insights are available to recruiting teams faster than ever.

Here’s how Phenom AI powers our platform to give in-depth insights into your candidate experience and recruitment marketing efforts.

View Job Seeker Forecast to Plan for High or Low Traffic

Career sites need traffic—but more importantly, they need to capitalize on traffic when it’s there. This means understanding which parts of your site are attracting attention and doubling down on pertinent content. As you plan for the next month or two of career site marketing, you need to understand:

  • What does my conversion rate look like for leads and applicants?
  • Do I have a decent rate, but not enough traffic?
  • If I need more traffic, what’s the best way to get it?

To help maximize your recruiting efforts, you can view widgets that show you the apply funnel and application conversion rate.

Apply Funnel Overview Widget showing number of job visits, apply clicks, applies started, and applies completed

Application Conversion Widget showing a conversion rate of 99.33% for applications started to applications completed

You can also view forecasted career site traffic, which is based on an in-depth analysis of past site performance.

Job Seekers Forecast Widget showing data from December 2019 to May 2020, with a positive outlook forecasted

This tells you whether you should expect high traffic and focus on site content and application conversion—or if traffic will be light, where you should focus on job boards and campaigns to bring people to your site. Other widgets on the platform will tell you what worked and what didn’t, so you can nurture job seekers or engage new candidates effectively.

Identify Smart Insights to Optimize Traffic Channels and Campaigns

So let’s say the data predicts light traffic. The next step is deciding the best way to attract people to your site. Phenom AI is here to help again by delivering targeted insights around traffic channels and campaigns. It will suggest which job boards to focus your efforts on—even going as far as to suggest which board to use based on job type. For example, LinkedIn might be best for Sales positions, and HelpOneBillion for Customer Service.

Here is an example of a widget that shows traffic for all Sales positions at a company over a 9-month period, as well as a quick summary of the most popular traffic channel and job board for this job category.

Job Seekers, Leads, and Applies Over Time Widget showing average applies per day, top traffic channel, and top job board for the sales job category

All insights shown in Phenom Talent Analytics are derived from an exhaustive, automated analysis of your data. You’ll see all of these valuable analytics as soon as you enter the platform, without having to download multiple reports, compile them, and run a lengthy manual analysis. Instead of spending time combing through your old data to understand what you should do next, the path forward is right in front of you.

Discover Estimated Applications Needed for Jobs

Maybe you’re more interested in the details of a few jobs, or one job specifically. You’d like to know specifics around:

  • How many visits is your job getting?
  • Where are they coming from?
  • When are they coming?

Here are widgets that show the analytics behind an open Software Engineer position.

Apply Funnel Overview Widget for software engineer position

Job Boards Widget showing top job board for software engineer being Glassdoor

Peak Traffic Time Widget showing software engineer job is viewed most around lunchtime

Phenom Talent Analytics gives you all these valuable metrics to let you augment your recruiting and marketing efforts, but also goes one step further: it lets you know how many more applications you will need to collect for a large enough talent pool that will deliver a quality hire.

Job Analytics Insights Widget showing that 119 applications are needed to close a position.

Phenom AI will also let you know when your jobs are expected to get the most traffic, so you can target additional marketing efforts around that specific time for that specific job.

This is by no means a comprehensive list of all of the data you can view in Phenom Talent Analytics. Other AI-powered insights include the best day to send campaigns, the health of your hiring pipeline and funnel, how many job apply clicks you’re receiving from your recruiting chatbot, and much more.

What’s next for Phenom AI?

We have a culture of constant innovation at Phenom, so we are going to continue to stretch Phenom AI capabilities. Keep an eye out for more detailed forecasting throughout the platform, as well as sentiment analysis to help you drive your brand messaging. And check out other new AI capabilities in the platform like 1-to-1 personalization for the candidate experience, and discovery for pipelining jobs using projects and workflows in the recruiter experience.

There’s more on the horizon, but I plan to write another one of these, so I can’t give too much away or they might let the AI take over...just kidding! (Although I will say, the AI did recommend replacing “There’s more on the horizon” with “The future is insight.” Yes, it’s even good with puns.)

If you’re interested in learning more about how to easily track the candidate journey from a traffic source so you can hire seamlessly, or how Phenom AI helps drive the best results from your talent marketing and recruiting efforts, be sure to request a demo.

John Deal

John is a Sr. Director of Product Marketing at Phenom. He enjoys horror novels and running — mostly from age.

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