Show them who you are
Videos are a great way to show someone who you are. Instead of always telling your candidates 'this is who we are', 'this is how big our business is,' and answering other questions candidates may have, show them who you are. Show your audience who you are, how big your company is, what it’s like to work at your company and more in an engaging and effective way through the low-cost, ever-engaging medium of video. Using video is a great way to showcase your employer brand, and by creating engaging content through video, you are able to show your audience who you are and create a relationship that is based on pure love for your brand. Here’s how: How do you get started? First, you want to understand the importance of video marketing and how it can be used to aid your recruiting strategy. Through the use of audio and visual engagement, you are able to make your audience think and feel something. You can make a video using people from the various departments within your company talking about opportunities you offer and what it’s like to work on your team. Instead of writing out your company’s vision, use video to humanize what these goals mean to your company. Creativity is key when it comes to making engaging video content, and the possibilities of various types of content you can create are endless. Beyond creating video content about your company’s mission and values, you also want to consider what types of content that would be interesting to your audience. It’s important to understand that what might be interesting to you and what might be interesting to your audience may not be the same things. People don’t always care about what you are doing so you have to always consider how you can add value. It’s not what you are doing that is important to your audience, rather how what you are doing that’s going to add value to them is important. Break through the BS to keep your video content really real. People are smart so by keeping it real, your video content will be relevant and engaging. The look and feel of your videos should be determined by the brand of your company. Investing in a company camera to create videos could be the right route for you, but hiring an external company to create videos could also be an option. It all depends on your messaging, but what is really important to remember is that audio is key.Importance Of Video
Content Creation
Equip Yourself / Finding the Right Tools
Promote Yourself
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