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Talent CRM

Build, engage, and track talent pipelines. Enhance productivity with AI using dynamic lists, actionable insights, fit scoring, and more.Book a DemoSee it in action

Transform the talent journey

  • Build Better Pipelines

    Create a talent pipeline with career site visitors — even those who didn’t apply for a job.

    Find out how
  • Engage New Candidates

    Stay connected with new and silver medal candidates via campaigns.

    Explore real-world results
  • Track with Intelligent Data

    Uncover critical insights to inform your recruiting strategy and promote more meaningful conversations with candidates.

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Easily identify top talent

Using AI and deep learning technology, candidates are ranked based on experience, skill requirements, and location to determine if they're the right fit for a job.
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Rediscover candidates from your database. If they weren’t perfect for a role they applied to before, reach out when a more fitting opportunity arises.
Custom graphic highlighting how artificial intelligence helps users rediscover top talent within the Phenom talent CRM
Create candidate segments that update automatically — based on filter criteria such as skills, titles, and hiring status — for campaigns.
Three examples of dynamic lists within Phenom's CRM software on a transparent background
Cultivate and maintain relationships with job seekers for upcoming career opportunities.
Screengrab of a talent pipeline within Phenom's Talent Experience Management platform
Maximize your recruiting strategy and engage in more meaningful conversations with candidates by uncovering critical talent insights, powered by AI.
Screengrab of CRM insights powered by Phenom AI on a transparent background

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